In their younger years, founders Jane and John had engaged quite liberally with marijuana, but when they became adults, it faded from their lives. In 2021, they noticed the distance that’d grown between them and cannabis, and wondered: why aren’t we smoking anymore?
As responsible adults who enjoy consuming cannabis, they realized that they didn’t actually have a good reason. So, they reentered the stoner lifestyle. Jane began growing her stash and collecting stoner tools and trinkets; and very quickly, she discovered a glaring need in the stoner community: proper organizational tools.
As any matured stoner does, Jane and John had acquired a good number of vape cartridges—cartridges that all look exactly the same—and they realized they needed an organizer to keep it all straight. The problem was—it didn’t exist.
Jane was quick to solve this problem with a sleek storage container perfectly crafted to house every uniquely precious cartridge. But of course, this was just the beginning. Now Jane and John document every one of their stoner predicaments, innovate brilliant solutions, and craft their ideas into high-quality products for their fellow stoners who have their shit together.
You’re a modern and dynamic human who works, creates, and maybe even parents; and you do all of this with grace, style, and impossible tidiness. Why should your dance with Mary Jane be any different?
We bring posh people like you the organizational products you need to become the sophisticated stoner you were always meant to be. Bid adieu to plastic baggies, and welcome your weed home to storage solutions that mirror the cool class and organizational finesse that define your home and life.