What’s The Difference Between A Pipe, A Bong, And A Bowl?

Dear Jane, What the heck is the difference between a pipe, a bong, and a bowl? I’ve heard so many different explanations, and I just can’t seem to lock it down. If it resembles a tobacco pipe and I’m supposed to put weed in it, then I probably don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m missing out on the best of cannabis smoking. —James Bong


I swear the consumption techniques and lingo are constantly growing and impossible to stay on top of. I’m still trying to figure out what “dabs” are, and I have no idea how to roll a joint. Thank goodness for pre-rolls. I find myself googling terms in my vocabulary so much, it’s hard to keep up.

Google is a great place to start, but when you don’t feel like sorting through a bunch of random stoners’ contradictory advice, I recommend going to the real experts. Budtenders and smoke shop employees are so patient and helpful.

I go in there totally clueless and they spell things out for me like I’m 8 years old. They seem genuinely happy to be teaching somebody the proper way to use their products. I always feel so much more confident after a chat with my local budtender.

If you don’t live in a legal state and have access to “proper” budtenders, expertise can usually be found at a smoke shop too. The staff maybe can’t legally be stoners, but they definitely are.

Just remember, you are not alone in being overwhelmed with modern stoner culture, and keep in mind that budtenders and Google are your friends on this journey!

Bluntly yours,

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